Frequently Asked Questions
1.) What art materials/tools do you use on a graphite drawing?
I use 2mm Staedtler Mars Carbon Lead (aka graphite) to draw with, which range from 3H - 3B. I use a Pentel white eraser. I draw on Canson 150 lb. (250 g) bristol paper. If you want a different type of paper, I am happy to discuss it.
2.) What art materials/tools do you use on a watercolor painting?
I use a variety of brands of watercolor paints, including Winsor & Newton, Holbein, & Pelican. Sometimes I will add gouache (aka opaque watercolor) into the painting. I am currently using Arches Cold Pressed 140 lb. (300 g) watercolor paper.
3.) How long does it take to complete a portrait?
A "start date" is only secured through a deposit. During our communication I will give you a start date. It takes about a week from the start date to complete the portrait and ship it.
4.) If I buy the physical artwork, doesn’t the copyright automatically come with it?
No. By law, the physical artwork (material object) is separate from the ownership of copyright. See § 202
If an artist makes an original artwork (not for hire), the artist is automatically the initial copyright owner. See § 201(a)
If an artist makes the artwork “for hire” the initial copyright owner is the client, and copyright can only be transferred to the artist (or anyone else) by way of a “written instrument signed by them.” See § 201(b)
5.) What can the copyright owner do with the image?
The copyright owner can profit from the sale of the image. The owner can sell prints, sell merchandise, change, alter, manipulate the image for branding, logos, graphic design, etc, the owner can also sell licenses to others to use the image, and more. For more info read here.
Here is an example of a pet portrait I did as part of a logo:
I use 2mm Staedtler Mars Carbon Lead (aka graphite) to draw with, which range from 3H - 3B. I use a Pentel white eraser. I draw on Canson 150 lb. (250 g) bristol paper. If you want a different type of paper, I am happy to discuss it.
2.) What art materials/tools do you use on a watercolor painting?
I use a variety of brands of watercolor paints, including Winsor & Newton, Holbein, & Pelican. Sometimes I will add gouache (aka opaque watercolor) into the painting. I am currently using Arches Cold Pressed 140 lb. (300 g) watercolor paper.
3.) How long does it take to complete a portrait?
A "start date" is only secured through a deposit. During our communication I will give you a start date. It takes about a week from the start date to complete the portrait and ship it.
4.) If I buy the physical artwork, doesn’t the copyright automatically come with it?
No. By law, the physical artwork (material object) is separate from the ownership of copyright. See § 202
If an artist makes an original artwork (not for hire), the artist is automatically the initial copyright owner. See § 201(a)
If an artist makes the artwork “for hire” the initial copyright owner is the client, and copyright can only be transferred to the artist (or anyone else) by way of a “written instrument signed by them.” See § 201(b)
5.) What can the copyright owner do with the image?
The copyright owner can profit from the sale of the image. The owner can sell prints, sell merchandise, change, alter, manipulate the image for branding, logos, graphic design, etc, the owner can also sell licenses to others to use the image, and more. For more info read here.
Here is an example of a pet portrait I did as part of a logo: